SOC 2 Audits

Do you find it concerning about data security for your clients? SOC 2 assessments let companies evaluate their security systems. This blog will define SOC 2 and explain its importance. Prepare to discover data safety!

Defining and overviewing SOC 2:

SOC 2 is a set of guidelines for managing client data. It lets businesses demonstrate their reliability with delicate information.

What is the AICPA, and why is it relevant for SOC 2?

SOC 2 audits depend much on the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The guidelines and criteria for these tests are defined by this professional group.

The AICPA’s participation guarantees that SOC 2 audits maintain a high degree of consistency and quality throughout many sectors.

AICPA establishes U.S. auditing criteria and controls the SOC structure.

AICPA rules must be followed by licensed CPA companies conducting SOC 2 audits. These rules center on the Trust Service Criteria, which underlie SOC 2 reports. The control of the AICPA allows companies and their associates to have faith in the audit process and findings.

We then will discuss why SOC 2 compliance is important for businesses.

Why does SOC 2 compliance matter?

Protection of businesses from cyber hazards depends critically on SOC 2 compliance. Cyberattacks ranked first among corporate risks in 2022 according to a new PwC study, which emphasizes the importance of strong security policies.

SOC 2 assessments provide service companies with a structure to guard private information from illegal access and possible breaches. This compliance criteria guarantees appropriate methods of data handling are in place.

Businesses that reach SOC 2 compliance acquire a competitive advantage in vendor management. The audit reports provide insightful analysis of the data handling techniques and security measures of a company.

These studies show customers and partners a dedication to information security, therefore fostering confidence. In the digital environment of today, SOC 2 compliance has become very crucial for service providers managing client data.

Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy Trust Services Criteria

SOC 2 audits focus on the Trust Services Criteria. These five ideas help companies to maintain strong IT systems and protect data.

  1. Guards systems against illegal access. Calls for two-factor authentication, intrusion detection, and firewalls.
  2. Availability guarantees systems are running for scheduled periods. Deals with redundant systems, disaster recovery strategies, and uptime tracking.
  3. Guarantees of comprehensive, valid, and timely data processing integrity. Calls for quality assurance procedures, error management, and data validation checks.
  4. Restraints data access to certain people or groups under confidentiality. runs non-disclosure agreements, access restrictions, and encryption.
  5. Privacy controls personal data gathering, usage, storage, and disposal. covers user permission, data categorization, and GDPR compliance with privacy regulations.

SOC 2 Compliance: Their Value

Businesses managing sensitive data must first be SOC 2 compliant. It displays a dedication to security methods and increases client confidence.

Advantages for startup companies

SOC 2 compliance helps small enterprises to have major benefits. It increases market credibility by demonstrating to possible customers and partners that the business gives data protection priority.

increased commercial possibilities and increased client confidence resulting from this improved reputation may follow.

Small firms in the digital era will find SOC 2 compliance to be revolutionary.

Additionally providing flexibility, SOC 2 lets businesses choose Type 1 or Type 2 reports depending on their requirements and budget. For smaller businesses, platforms like Sprinto can automate evidence collecting, therefore streamlining the audit process and reducing its costs.

Without using little resources, this automation helps to maintain a robust defense against cyberattacks.

Safeguarding personal information

Protecting personal data depends much on SOC 2 compliance. It provides robust protections for private identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI).

Businesses using SOC 2 guidelines use rigorous security policies. Regular security audits, data encryption, and two-factor authentication include these. Such actions assist in stopping illegal access to private data and data breaches.

The dedication of AudioEye to SOC 2 compliance shows the need for data security. By giving this standard top priority, they guarantee the security of controlled data. This method calls for thorough risk analyses and sensible internal control application.

These procedures not only guard client data but also help to establish confidence with them. By helping companies satisfy legal and regulatory obligations for data security, SOC 2 compliance gives consumers faith in the security of their personal information.

Comparatively to other compliance criteria (ISO 27001)

Aspect SOC 2 ISO 27001
Origin Created by AICPA Developed by ISO and IEC
Recognition More recognized in North America Commonly requested by international customers
Overlap Approximately 80% overlap in criteria
Audit Costs Type 1 audits: $10,000 to $20,000 Certification audits: $10,000 to $50,000


Two main information security compliance standards are SOC 2 and ISO 27001. Though they have main distinctions, both seek to safeguard private information.

Aspect Societal Reference 2 ISO 27001

Origin Developed by ISO and IEC Created by AICPA

Acknowledgement More often asked by foreign clients in North America

About eighty percent of the criterion overlaps.

Type 1 audits range from $10,000 to $20,000; certification audits run from $10,000 to $50,000

Depending on their clientele and geographic concentration, businesses might decide which of these criteria to apply. ISO 27001 accommodates worldwide operations; SOC 2 serves North American companies. One standard may aid in accomplishing the other by their significant overlapping character. The costs vary; ISO 27001 might be more costly. Both criteria provide businesses with robust security systems.

The Social 2 Audit Methodology

The SOC 2 audit process calls for several important tools and phases. These include evidence collecting, control mapping, and risk analyses. Many times, companies utilize specific software to simplify these chores.

Discover more about the audit schedule and how to prevent typical mistakes by reading on.

Steps required

The SOC 2 audit procedure consists of numerous important stages. To guarantee success, companies have to be well-prepared and closely coordinate their selected auditor.

  1. An auditor looks at the systems and controls of the business in preparation. This stage helps find compliance gaps and specifies audit criteria.
  2. Gap Analysis: Point out places where the present policies of the business deviate from SOC 2 criteria.
  3. Correct any holes discovered throughout the study. This might call for changing regulations or putting fresh security precautions into effect.
  4. Get records demonstrating adherence to SOC 2 standards. This covers systems logs, rules, and practices.
  5. Auditors go over the gathered data and interview important individuals. Usually lasting two to six weeks, this phase
  6. The auditor generates an initial report including their observations along with any exceptions mentioned.
  7. Management Response: The business looks over the document and responds to any problems or deviations noted.
  8. Auditor produces the finalized SOC 2 report, which contains management reactions of the organization.
  9. Maintaining SOC 2 compliance requires continuous internal audits and constant system and control monitoring.

Cost and timeline

Once the processes involved are clear, let’s look at the schedule and expenses connected with a SOC 2 audit. Planning and budgeting for compliance depend on these elements in great part.

A SOC 2 audit calls for certain deadlines and expenditures. Below is a breakdown:

Aspect Specifics

Information Request Completion Two to Three Business Days

Three weeks for the draft SOC 2 report

Final SOC 2 Report two weeks

Small to Mid Size Company Audit Cost: $12,000 to $20,000

Large companies’ total costs might vary more than

Businesses have to include these budgets and timeframes in their compliance plans. Good preparation guarantees accurate budgeting and seamless audit procedures. Although small firms may find the audit costs high, usually the advantages exceed the initial outlay. additional complicated systems and data quantities mean that larger companies should be ready for perhaps additional expenses.

Typical audit exceptions and how to prevent them

Many times, SOC 2 audits highlight typical problems that can compromise compliance. The following is a collection of often-occurring audit exceptions along with avoidance techniques:

  1. Many companies neglect to have correct records of their rules and practices. Create thorough, current documentation for every security control, procedure, and risk analysis to help to prevent this.
  2. Lack of staff training: Employees may not know how they should be helping to keep SOC 2 compliant. Plan frequent security protocol, data management, and incident response course training sessions.
  3. Weak passwords or too high user rights may expose security flaws in either direction. Apply least-privilege access policies and enforce robust password requirements.
  4. Inaccurate risk assessments: Ignorance of possible hazards could expose your systems. Review your security policies in line with careful, frequent risk assessments.
  5. Bad change management: Unchecked systems or process modifications run new hazards. Create a comprehensive change management system with appropriate documentation and approvals.
  6. Lack of system monitoring could make it challenging to identify and handle security events. Put in place strong monitoring and recording systems to follow system operations and any hazards.
  7. Using unsupported or unpatched software puts your company at recognized risk from outdated systems. Keep up a consistent patching schedule and quickly modernize outdated systems.
  8. Third-party suppliers may provide hazards to your company depending on poor vendor management. Create an all-encompassing vendor management system to evaluate and track your vendors’ security policies.
  9. Inadequate incident response strategies: Organizations might find it difficult to properly manage security breaches without a clearly defined strategy. Create and routinely test a thorough incident response strategy spanning many possibilities.
  10. Insufficient frequent internal audits: Compliance gaps might result from waiting until the external audit to find problems. Frequent internal audits help to aggressively find and fix such issues.

Getting and Maintaining SOC 2 Compliance

While maintaining SOC 2 compliance is considerably more difficult, becoming SOC 2 compliant is a hard effort. Regular inspections and smart tools might help to simplify the work.

Getting ready for the auditors

Getting ready for a SOC 2 audit calls for organization and meticulous preparation. Businesses may guarantee they are ready for the auditing process by acting in many ways.

  1. Perform a readiness evaluation to identify areas needing work before the audit. It lets businesses solve any weaknesses in their systems of security and procedures.
  2. Documented rules and procedures for every security-related operation will help to ensure This covers incident response programs, data processing, and access control.
  3. Install needed security measures depending on the Trust Services Criteria. Two-factor authentication, encryption, and staff regular security training might all fit here.
  4. Get records, logs, and documentation proving your compliance. Automated technologies may support ongoing evidence gathering.
  5. Make sure every staff member knows SOC 2 criteria and their part in preserving compliance. This fosters a society conscious of security.
  6. Establish mechanisms to monitor security statistics and manage control efficacy. This promotes continuous audit compliance.
  7. Select an auditor from a certified public accountant (CPA) company with SOC 2 audit expertise. They may provide great direction all through the process.
  8. Before the formal audit starts, undertake a pre-audit review—a last check of every system, procedure, and paperwork. This clarifies any last-minute problems.
  9. Brief important people on what to anticipate during auditor interviews. Make sure they can succinctly describe their part in preserving security measures.

Automated choices

Companies might investigate automation possibilities to simplify their SOC 2 compliance operations once they are ready for the audit. Tools for automation provide a strong means of preserving ongoing compliance.

Using 24/7 control monitoring, these systems lower the possibility of human mistakes and unexpected downtime. They also streamline a vital component of the audit process, evidence gathering.

Among major security and compliance automation systems is Drata. It provides automatic evidence collecting and real-time monitoring among other things. This kind of program keeps companies current with their SOC 2 needs all year round.

Using automation allows businesses to concentrate more on their main business activities and guarantee they satisfy the Trust Services Criteria.

Instruments and resources

Many tools support companies toward SOC 2 compliance. Regular audits provided by Google Cloud help to certify goods to SOC 2 criteria. Compliance centers provide booklets, templates, and checklists to help companies along the way.

Businesses such as Secureframe and AuditBoard provide tools with artificial intelligence and integration meant to simplify compliance initiatives.

From basic checklists to sophisticated technological systems, tools for SOC 2 audits vary. These instruments support documentation maintenance, risk management, and tracking of advancement. Certain systems automate data collecting and processing, therefore saving audit time and effort.

Others provide real-time monitoring to guarantee constant SOC 2 criteria compliance.

Constant compliance.

Compliance with SOC 2 is an always-changing procedure. Businesses have to keep their security protocols and controls running year-round. Annual audits support ongoing compliance with Trust Services Criteria.

Automation instruments streamline this work. Their constant monitoring and reporting help to reduce the stress and expenses of annual audits.

Maintaining compliance calls for ongoing awareness. Companies should routinely go over their security protocols and practices. They have to teach employees proper practices in data protection. Maintaining a current with changing cyber dangers is very vital.

Regular penetration testing finds weaknesses before they start to cause problems. This proactive strategy develops consumer confidence and helps to preserve SOC 2 compliance.

In essence, the conclusion

Companies that manage client data depend on SOC 2 audits. They establish with customers confidence and show a company’s dedication to security. Getting certified will increase your profile and provide you with a competitive advantage.

Frequent audits assist to preserve high standards and keep your security systems current. Any company concerned about safeguarding private data would be wise to embrace SOC 2 compliance.